Australian Insurance Law Association (AILA) National Conference 2019 – presentation and 6 Questions for Leaders

I was very fortunate to be invited to present on cyber risk at the AILA National Conference on the 31st October. The conference was excellent with many interesting topics covered including autonomous vehicles, cladding, class actions and an introduction from Chief Justice Allsop.

I spoke on cyber risk and also questions that trusted advisors can ask leaders to start the conversation as to if they are comfortable that their organisations are on top of their cyber risks and what would happen in the case of a cyber incident. I also talked about smart toasters. Not so long ago, it seems now, I used to make a joke that one day we would have smart toasters and now it is hard to buy one that isn’t smart! This is how rapid the take-up of smart devices has been and how happily we have let Internet-connected devices into so many facets of our everyday lives.

We have to keep in mind that the Internet is the “Wild West” and anything that is connected must be adequately secured. My slides from the conference are here, and responses to the Q&A questions here. You can also download the more detailed “Six Questions for Leaders” if you would like more information.

If you or your customers are concerned that they do not have all the information they need to understand and articulate cyber risk management, please get in touch.


Are you prepared for a cyber incident? Are your customers and service providers?


On average a cyber crime in Australia is reported every 10 minutes.